Test driving the new Ubuntu (12.10)

Call it crazy but I’ve decided to actually install an Ubuntu Alpha release, specifically Ubuntu 12.10 Alpha 3. Why would anyone in their right mind install an operating system that is bound to be full of bugs and likely destroy all of my data? My reasons are twofold:

  1. I regularly use Ubuntu or Ubuntu derivatives and would like to help in the process of making them better
  2. There are still a few quirks with my particular laptop that I would like to help iron out once and for all, hopefully correcting them in a more universal sense for Linux as a whole

So join me over the next few posts as I relate my most recent experiences running… shall we say, less than production code.


2 Trackbacks / Pingbacks

  1. Ubuntu 12.10 Alpha 3 (Report #2) | The Linux Experiment
  2. The Linux Experiment Post Roundup | TylerBurton.ca

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