Barry: Round Two with the Blogosphere riding Shotgun
Given the problems that I’ve been having lately with getting my Blackberry calendar and contacts to synchronize with anything in Linux, I was quite surprised […]
Given the problems that I’ve been having lately with getting my Blackberry calendar and contacts to synchronize with anything in Linux, I was quite surprised […]
There is no denying that the installation process for the Barry project sucks. That said, the promise of having the ability to sync my blackberry […]
We took a quick vote and decided to add a new rule to this ongoing experiment. Rule #5 now states: After committing to a distribution […]
After hearing about the recent MintCast mention of our experiment, I figured it was high time to post an update with what’s gone right and […]
Over the weekend, I started a stats assignment that required me to use R. R runs in the terminal, but when you create plots, it […]
Seriously, this is getting annoying… And just when I thought it couldn’t get anymore annoying… it seems as though there isn’t a kmod-catalyst for the […]
On top of Tyler’s self-congratulatory post, I’d like to commemorate that it’s been two months since our very first post here on The Linux Experiment, […]
Well, OK, not really. Today was the first time I actually went and took a look at the site statistics since we launched about 2 […]
This afternoon saw me in a really annoying situation. I was in a coffee shop, wearing a beret, and writing poetry, and couldn’t get a […]
Since this crazy job of mine doesn’t quite feed my mad electronics fetish as much as I might like to, I do a lot of […]
Before I switched to Windows 7 for my laptop, I used a a dock software called RocketDock to manage my windows and commonly used desktop […]
Short answer: IRC and #fedora Long answer: As you may recall I have been without sound for quite some time now. Finally getting sick and […]
Now that school as resumed I am getting to spend a lot of time with my Linux install doing day to day productive tasks. The […]
Ever the Windows enthusiast, I’ve always been deeply involved in the world of PC gaming. It’s something I’ve always loved to do, and I’ve been […]
While trying to connect to a remote webserver via SSH last night, I found that my machine refused to resolve the hostname to an IP […]
Yup. Not sure why. It just happened. I have tried messing around in my audio settings and still nothing. In fact the only audio device […]
This morning I was using Firefox with about a dozen tabs open when my computer locked up. It froze and was completely unresponsive – basically […]
I have a Western Digital 250GB NTFS-formatted external hard drive that I use primarily to store backups of my Windows machine. Since I’m away from […]
Any recommendations for a softphone (VOIP client) that runs under Gentoo? I’m at the end of my rope – my usual poison X-Lite doesn’t want […]