The Rules

Words To Live By

In order to maintain a somewhat consistent, unbiased, and fair experiment we have implemented the following rules:

The First Experiment:

  1. You must have absolutely no prior experience with the distribution you choose
  2. You must use the distribution on your primary computer and it must be your primary day-to-day computing environment
  3. The experiment runs from September 1st, 2009 until December 31st, 2009
  4. You must document your experience on at least a weekly basis
  5. After committing to a distribution you may not later change to a different one

The Second Experiment:

  1. You must have absolutely no prior experience with the distribution you choose
  2. You must use the distribution on your primary computer and it must be your primary day-to-day computing environment
  3. The experiment runs from November 1st, 2011 until January 1st, 2011
  4. You must document your experience
  5. After committing to a distribution you may not later change to a different one

The Third Experiment:

  1. You must give back to the open source and Linux communities in some way

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