Blast from the Past: A Practical Reference of Linux Commands
This post was originally published on February 19, 2010. The original can be found here. Just wanted to share a link to a great table that […]
This post was originally published on February 19, 2010. The original can be found here. Just wanted to share a link to a great table that […]
Have you ever connected to a remote Linux computer, using a… let’s say less than ideal WiFi connection, and started running a command only to […]
This post was originally published on October 2, 2009. The original can be found here. In a nod to Dave’s classic top ten segment I […]
The machine I am running Kubuntu on is primarily used for streaming media like Netflix and Youtube, watching files off of a shared server and […]
One of the biggest problems about running irssi in a terminal in screen is that there aren’t any notifications by default if you are mentioned, […]
Just wanted to share a link to a great table that I found – the practical reference of linux commands is a handy little table […]
This will be a brief reference post mostly for my own benefit, but a good fix for an issue where Compiz shows black boxes or […]
In a nod to Dave’s classic top ten segment I will now share with you the top 10 things I have learned since starting this […]