LFS, pre-KDE: kdebindings and kdebase-runtime
kdebindings Are you running into the following problem when compiling kdebindings? Well, you’re probably not, because you picked a saner distribution than LFS, but here […]
kdebindings Are you running into the following problem when compiling kdebindings? Well, you’re probably not, because you picked a saner distribution than LFS, but here […]
Fixing libmng with -fPIC In preparation for getting KDE4 (and Qt4, and all the other dependencies) working with my Linux from Scratch install, I noticed […]
What Next? Chroot Once you get into the chroot environment, you will get the incredibly annoying PC speaker beep every time you foul up a […]
And I’m started with Linux from Scratch! Here are some helpful pointers for anyone considering running LFS on their own. Caution: this is highly nerdy […]
We’re currently in discussions to begin a new Linux Experiment for 2011. Stay tuned to the website as we should have new posts, a new […]
Do you have the following situation: You’ve got a share on Windows (XP, Vista, 7) that you’re trying to access from a Linux system, in […]
Overview and Introduction I’ve been dabbling with managing a VOIP server for the past year or so, using CentOS, Asterisk and FreePBX on a co-located […]
Last evening while reading the SA forums, I encountered a thread about Linux and what was required to bring it to the general public. One […]
After the most recently recorded podcast, I decided to take a stab at running Linux on my primary media server. The machine sports a Highpoint […]
After playing with the GNOME Appearance preferences on my new Mint 8 installation, I managed to completely lose the color scheme, window decorators and other […]
If any of you are using a Ubuntu-based distribution (Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, Linux Mint) and do any sort of Eclipse development, the current 3.5.1 package […]
While my initial plan for January was to stick with Windows 7 and perhaps try out Fedora 12, a bad DVD interrupted the Fedora install […]
Since my admittedly outdated last post, I’ve been keeping busy in real life – most recently, I was out of the country for seven days, […]
In my last post, I’d mentioned that I planned on reinstalling Gentoo to fix several dependency issues that had made upgrading packages an impossibility. I […]
I haven’t needed to reinstall my system nearly as many times as Jon or Tyler, which is a good thing – Linux is supposed to […]
This will be a brief reference post mostly for my own benefit, but a good fix for an issue where Compiz shows black boxes or […]
After the shitstorm that was Dana’s post about KDE, I figured I’d go into more details about how my day to day use is going. […]
In the process of migrating to KDE as my desktop environment (selected as I have no experience with the newest versions, and I want an […]
One of the articles Tyler passed me this morning was a brief post on three problems with Gentoo by Dion Moult. There are a few […]
Since I’ve installed Gentoo, I haven’t had access to my other drives. One of them is an NTFS-formatted WD Raptor, and the other is a […]