Update: I can have my cake and eat it too!
If you have been following my posts on here you’ll know that I have a very… fragile setup. I am doing everything in my power […]
If you have been following my posts on here you’ll know that I have a very… fragile setup. I am doing everything in my power […]
Last night I was able to set up a neat little program that I think you should all know about! Synergy allows you to set […]
We took a quick vote and decided to add a new rule to this ongoing experiment. Rule #5 now states: After committing to a distribution […]
Seriously, this is getting annoying… And just when I thought it couldn’t get anymore annoying… it seems as though there isn’t a kmod-catalyst for the […]
Well, OK, not really. Today was the first time I actually went and took a look at the site statistics since we launched about 2 […]
Short answer: IRC and #fedora Long answer: As you may recall I have been without sound for quite some time now. Finally getting sick and […]
Now that school as resumed I am getting to spend a lot of time with my Linux install doing day to day productive tasks. The […]
Yup. Not sure why. It just happened. I have tried messing around in my audio settings and still nothing. In fact the only audio device […]
This afternoon Phil, Jon, Sasha and myself engaged in a little Tron-esque gameplay thanks to the awesome 3D recreation known as Armacycle Advanced or sometimes […]
It has been almost half a month since the experiment has begun and I think everyone is just getting to the point where they can […]
If you remember a while back I was having a world of trouble trying to get my ATi drivers to play nicely with my desktop […]
Now that the horrors of installation and setup are a part of the past I have been spending my time delving deep into the desktop […]
I just wanted to quickly mention this awesome website, http://www.fedorafaq.org/. While it only covers up to Fedora 10 most of what it says is still completely accurate. It has helped me quick a bit get my system up and running, most recently allowing me to use Window’s fonts in Linux!
By default this distro does not support non-free codecs. After a quick google search I found this quick and easy solution to add audio and video codecs to my Fedora install.
Tyler B tries to install Fedora, get his ATi graphics card to work correctly, patches the kernel, enables Synaptics touchpad tap-click support and finally has everything working!
My laptop has arrived and just in time for the start of the experiment! Now if only Sasha’s would ship…
After reading this article on Slashdot I did some digging and found LessWatts.org a website designed to help you get the most out of your battery. Just thought I’d take a moment to point it out.
For a Windows or Mac user the filesystem is something they will probably never think about in their daily computing adventures. That is mostly because there really isn’t a choice in the matter. As a Windows user the only time I actually have to worry about the filesystem is when I’m formatting a USB drive. For my hard drives the choices are NTFS, NTFS, and.. oh yeah NTFS. My earliest recollection of what a filesystem is happened when my Windows 98 machine had crashed and I had to wait while the machine forced a filesystem check on the next start up. More recently FAT32 has gotten in my way with it’s 4GB file size limitation.
I awoke to an email this morning saying my laptop has shipped! Hopefully this means the end of my troubles and that the laptop will show up on time! I’ll keep you posted.
The experiment is set to begin in less than 10 days and now is the time to settle on all of those little decisions that still need to be made.