So my base Gentoo installation came with Gnome 2.3, which while solid, lacks a lot of the prettiness of Gnome’s latest 3.2 release. I thought that I might like to enjoy some of that beauty, so I attempted to upgrade. Because Gnome 3.2 isn’t in the main portage tree yet, I found a tutorial that purported to walk me through the upgrade process using an overlay, which is kind of like a testing branch that you can merge into the main portage tree in order to get unsupported software.
Since the tutorial that I linked above is pretty self-explanatory, I won’t repeat the steps here. There’s also the little fact that the tutorial didn’t work worth a damn…
Problem 1: Masked Packages
#required by dev-libs/folks-9999, required by gnome-base/gnome-shell-3.2.1-r1, required by gnome-base/gdm-[gnome-shell], required by gnome-base/gnome-2.32.1-r1, required by @selected, required by @world (argument) >=dev-libs/libgee- introspection #required by gnome-extra/sushi-0.2.1, required by gnome-base/nautilus-3.2.1[previewer], required by app-cdr/brasero-3.2.0-r1[nautilus], required by media-sound/sound-juicer-2.99.0_pre20111001, required by gnome-base/gnome-2.32.1-r1, required by @selected, required by @world (argument) >=media-libs/clutter-gtk-1.0.4 introspection
This one is pretty simple to fix: you can add the lines >=dev-libs/libgee- introspection and >=media-libs/clutter-gtk-1.0.4 introspection to the file /etc/portage/package.accept_keywords, or you can run emerge -avuDN world –autounmask-write to get around these autounmask behaviour issues
Problem 2: Permissions
--------------------------- ACCESS VIOLATION SUMMARY --------------------------- LOG FILE "/var/log/sandbox/sandbox-3222.log" VERSION 1.0 FORMAT: F - Function called FORMAT: S - Access Status FORMAT: P - Path as passed to function FORMAT: A - Absolute Path (not canonical) FORMAT: R - Canonical Path FORMAT: C - Command Line F: mkdir S: deny P: /root/.local/share/webkit A: /root/.local/share/webkit R: /root/.local/share/webkit C: ./epiphany --introspect-dump= /var/tmp/portage/www-client/epiphany-3.0.4/temp/tmp-introspectSfeqBO/functions.txt, /var/tmp/portage/www-client/epiphany-3.0.4/temp/tmp-introspectSfeqBO/dump.xml --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
This one totally confused me. If I’m reading it correctly, the install script lacks the permissions necessary to write to the path /root.local/share/webkit/. The odd part of this is that the script is running as the root user, so this simple shouldn’t happen. I was able to give it the permissions that it needed by running chmod 777 /root/.local/share/webkit/, but I had to start the install process all over again, and it just failed with a similar error the first time that it attempted to write a file to that directory. What the fuck?
At 10pm at night, I couldn’t be bothered to find a fix for this… I used the tutorial’s instructions to roll back the changes, and I’ll try again later if I’m feeling motivated. In the mean time, if you know how to fix this process, I’d love to hear about it.
“FEATURES=”-sandbox” emerge -av epiphany” worked for me