How to not install XBMC on Debian Lenny
So tonight I got a terrible idea. I figured that I’d try to install XBMC, the awesome media centre app for modded Xbox consoles. Turns […]
So tonight I got a terrible idea. I figured that I’d try to install XBMC, the awesome media centre app for modded Xbox consoles. Turns […]
It has been almost half a month since the experiment has begun and I think everyone is just getting to the point where they can […]
I’m back from a brief vacation, where $3 blackjack was the name of the game. Since I didn’t lose all my money I’m in pretty […]
I might be a little frustrated at this point, but please – let me explain myself before you start with the ‘Haha, Linux noobie.’ comments. […]
Just checking in to say so far so good! Actually I have quite a bit more to say than that. As you all know, I’ve […]
If you remember a while back I was having a world of trouble trying to get my ATi drivers to play nicely with my desktop […]
Now that the horrors of installation and setup are a part of the past I have been spending my time delving deep into the desktop […]
Even though the Debian community is very strict about only allowing free software in their repositories, my Iceweasel install came preloaded with Macromedia Flash 9. […]
I just wanted to quickly mention this awesome website, http://www.fedorafaq.org/. While it only covers up to Fedora 10 most of what it says is still completely accurate. It has helped me quick a bit get my system up and running, most recently allowing me to use Window’s fonts in Linux!
This morning I spent some more time messing around with Compiz. I followed this tutorial to add an alternative repository to my sources list that […]
So after my initial three-hour fiasco of getting my mouse to work, Gentoo Linux is running in a stable manner on my system. My graphics […]
As you may recall, last night, I ruined my system by manually editing the xorg.conf config file according to a sketchy tutorial on the Debian […]
By default this distro does not support non-free codecs. After a quick google search I found this quick and easy solution to add audio and video codecs to my Fedora install.
I picked a distribution at random, and Linux Mint turned out to be a pretty good choice for someone like me – ie, completely incompetent […]
Tyler B tries to install Fedora, get his ATi graphics card to work correctly, patches the kernel, enables Synaptics touchpad tap-click support and finally has everything working!
Today’s big task was to get rid of the Windows 3.1 look of the default GNOME theme by installing the Compiz Fusion window manager. First, […]
As you might be able to tell from the title of this post, I feel like I’m fighting an uphill battle here. Through hummus. In […]
If you’re like me, you’re still working on your certification as a Linux God. Until graduation day comes around, and you throw your penguin-festooned mortar […]
On my Windows machine, I use a free program called KeePass to manage all of my passwords. It creates an encrypted file that contains all […]
Considering that it was my first experience with Linux, the installation of Debian actually went rather smoothly. I popped in the Debian live disc, rebooted […]