Setting up Pi-hole as a recursive DNS server
I’m a big fan of Pi-hole, a network-level ad and tracker blocking application that makes browsing the web a pleasure. The ‘standard’ setup has Pi-hole […]
I’m a big fan of Pi-hole, a network-level ad and tracker blocking application that makes browsing the web a pleasure. The ‘standard’ setup has Pi-hole […]
There are lots of reasons to use Linux for your networking needs both at home and at work not the least of which is the […]
This post was originally published on October 2, 2009. The original can be found here. In a nod to Dave’s classic top ten segment I […]
In a nod to Dave’s classic top ten segment I will now share with you the top 10 things I have learned since starting this […]
While trying to connect to a remote webserver via SSH last night, I found that my machine refused to resolve the hostname to an IP […]