Sudo apt-get install basic-linux-pt3 –Install & Setup
It’s been a busy little while, so I haven’t had time to get this written up. So lets see what I can still remember. Installing […]
It’s been a busy little while, so I haven’t had time to get this written up. So lets see what I can still remember. Installing […]
With the hardware sorted (bar some jiggery-pokery to get the ODD to SSD bay converter to fit properly), I set about deciding what I want […]
So you’re running elementary OS and want to access the music files you have stored on a Network-attached-storage device within the Music program. Unfortunately while […]
Recently the Kitchener Waterloo Linux Users Group held a couple of presentations on setting up your own personally hosted cloud. With their permission we are […]
I recently invested in a NAS device to add a little bit of redundancy to my personal files. With this particular NAS the most convenient […]
Looks being the key word there because I haven’t actually been able to successfully run either of these seemingly awesome pieces of software. Amahi is […]