Here’s another fun little tidbit – today I tried to use Writer seriously for the first time, and realized rather quickly that I was running version 2.1 of same. For those who don’t already know, was close on unusable prior to version 3.x. While it has since matured into a very capable suite of programs, the first few versions were just awful. In particular, I couldn’t get the formatting correct on a numbered list with bullet-ted sub-points.
A quick apt-get -t lenny-backports install did the trick, and removed my system-wide dictionary as a bonus. Now both Icedove (Thunderbird) and Pidgin claim that everything that I type is spelled incorrectly. A quick check with Synaptic confirmed that the aspell package had mysteriously disappeared from my system; when I tried to mark it for re-installation, Synaptic refused, claiming that it aspell depended on a package called dictionaries-common, which wasn’t going to be installed for some unspecified reason. Christ.
Figuring that it was a version issue (since the only thing that has changed on my system is my version of, I tried apt-get -t lenny-backports install aspell. It worked, and also warned me that my upgrade had left about 25 packages lying about that ought to be removed:
bluez-gnome, libmtp7, python-notify, obex-data-server, libgda3-common, python-gnome2-extras, evolution-exchange, rhythmbox, system-config-printer,
libgpod3, gnome-themes-extras, bluez-utils, python-eggtrayicon,, libxalan2-java, python-4suite-xml, libgda3-3,
transmission-common, libgdl-1-0, libxalan2-java-gcj, serpentine, transmission-gtk, libgdl-1-common, gnome-vfs-obexftp
The strange thing is that some of those packages look like they might be required by software other than You know, like Evolution, or maybe Transmission? What the hell is going on here? I’m upgrading to the Testing repositories as soon as I get the chance. Hopefully that will solve some of my old-ass-software issues.
Hi, did U solve this problem? apt-get wants to remove gnome by installing which sounds similar to your problem.
@Christopher – Whatever you do, don’t remove the packages that apt-get says that you should. Check out this post from December of 2009 for details of what might happen if you do:
Yes, i don’t do that, because I am using gnome
@Christopher – So what’s your question then? I don’t honestly know why apt-get marks things as ‘unnecessary’ like that. I’ve seen this behaviour all Debian variants that I’ve used, including every member of the Ubunutu family and now I just ignore it.
Ah. My question was about telling apt that I need the software it wants to uninstall, but well since you are just ignoring that…